Elford Village

Security advice


Crime prevention advice from Staffordshire Police:
We’ve recently experienced an increase in keyless vehicle theft across Staffordshire. Thieves are using sophisticated technology to remotely intercept the fob signal allowing them entry and the ability to drive away keyless vehicles without actually possessing the keys.

Signal blocking pouches can be used to protect your keys from remote access, reducing the likelihood of your vehicle being targeted. These are available from many online suppliers as well as high street motoring stores.

For more information on how to keep your vehicle safe from potential thieves visit www.staffordshire.police.uk/cp/crime-prevention/theft-of-a-vehicle/vehicle-attracting-thieves


Residents should take action to improve home and vehicle security .  PCSO Costa Karpis has advised people to extend their own security to their property boundaries.  For example external motion sensors, which alert home owners when someone is on their property or garden, can be very effective.  Contact Costas on 07890 317765 for more advice or talk to him or his colleague Maggie Griffiths when you see them around the village.

The usual advice of not leaving valuables in vehicles, reversing vans up to garage doors or simply using a steering lock can deter thieves. The idea is not to be an easy target. See the attached for advice on preventing thefts from keyless vehicles. files/Preventing_thefts_from_keyless_vehicles.pdf

If you would like to opt into the new Staffordshire Smart Alert to receive  informative and important messages, including Neighbourhood Watch alerts, please follow the link  https://www.staffordshiresmartalert.co.uk/register  and fill in the details.


Upcoming Events

Monday May 13, 6:30 PM - 8:00 PM
Annual Meeting of the Parish Council
Monday May 13, 8:00 PM - 9:00 PM
Annual Parish Assembly
Friday June 7, 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM
The Big Help Out

Village News