Elford Village

Local Services

Parish Council

Your local Parish Council is the first tier of local government.  Details of meetings and minutes can be found on the Parish Council Notice Board outside the Village Hall and also on the Parish Website.  Meetings are the second Monday of every month starting at 7pm with an open forum; to which anyone is welcome to attend and raise issues; followed by the Parish Council Meeting at 7.30pm.  Clerk to the Parish Council can be contacted via the Councillor's page or email clerk@elfordparish.co.uk

District Council

Lichfield District Council call 01543 308000.

Refuse Collection

For information call 01543 308999.

Library Bus

Information about our library service can be found at this Staffordshire County link

Village Coffee Shop

At the village hall every Tuesday 9.00am - 12pm. Coffee, cake, bacon sandwiches and much more!

Post Office

At the village hall every Tuesday 10.00am - 12pm


Upcoming Events

No events

Village News