Elford Village

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Christmas Coffee Morning and Sale

Saturday 23 November 2019, 10:00 - 13:00
by This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.Hits : 1162

Christmas Coffee Morning and Sale at the Church. 

There will be a small entrance fee. 

Bring and Buy Sale - everything should be nearly new and unblemished so that they can be given for Christmas presents.

We are also hoping that people will get cooking and baking and bring ‘Christmassy’ goodies such as sweets, biscuits and preserves. There will be an Art Stall, provided by the Elford Art Group, and cards and Christmas wrapping on sale as well.  Books in good condition are also welcomed!

We will be in the church from 10am to 1pm so do come along and see for yourself. Please spread the word and bring your friends. We believe this will be the first Christmas themed event the year!
