Elford Village

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Parish Council Meeting, November 2022

Monday 14 November 2022, 19:00
by This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.Hits : 759

Meeting at Elford Village Hall, begins at 7pm with Open Forum


Open Forum – to receive any questions or comments from residents (30 minutes).

1.99/22 To receive Apologies for Absence    

2.100/22 To receive Declarations of Interest

3.101/22 To approve the Minutes of the Meeting of 10th October 2022

4.102/22 To receive the Clerk’s Report                                                     

5.103/22 To consider any Planning Matters:

Model Farm, Peggs Lane, 22/01016/COUM Change of use from agriculture to holiday lodge including 25 holiday lodges and glamping pods and erection of reception / cafe / shop and storage with parking, EV charging/ cycle, equine provision, external play areas and associated landscaping, drainage and ecological enhancements

6.104/22 To consider drainage matters relating to the Shrubbery development

7.105/22 To receive an update on CCTV enquiries

8.106/22 To consider CIL application from Elford Cricket Club

9.107/22 To consider recommendations of the Playground Inspection Report

10.108/22 To consider options for slowing traffic within the village

11.109/22 To consider Right of Way 8

12.110/22 To consider suggestion of creating a warm place for residents

13. 111/22 To receive questions and reports from Councillors

14. 112/22 To receive Correspondence 

15. 113/22 To receive a Financial Report  

16. 114/22 To consider authorising Schedule of Accounts for Payment

17. 115/22 Date of Next Meeting:  Monday 12th December, 7pm


Location : Elford Village Hall
Contact : clerk@elfordparish.co.uk
