Elford Village

Update from the Parish Council

News from the May Parish Council meeting:

For the first time ever Elford Parish Council held their monthly meeting online on Zoom, as the government had changed the law to allow video meetings. One member of the public requested a link to observe the meeting, and other residents are encouraged to do so next time by contacting the Clerk for information before the meeting. You can then either watch or listen or contribute with a question during Open Forum. Of course as usual you can also contact one of the Councillors or the Clerk and ask them to raise something at the meeting on your behalf.

During the meeting the Clerk gave a resume of what had happened to local services as a result of the Covid-19 pandemic. The Parish Council were very pleased with the efforts of a group of volunteers who had helped those who were self-isolating to cope during this time, and expressed their thanks to everyone who has been involved in this, from the 3 organisers to around 40 people who volunteered to help.

Regular maintenance and other Council business including finance and audit has continued to be managed during the lockdown.

Various planning matters were discussed, including applications in the wider parish, a Planning Appeal regarding the new access at Elford Lowe and the granting of planning permission for housing at land off The Shrubbery.

Councillors raised various matters. Please keep dogs on leads when walking near other people or on public land such as the Avenue and please continue to clean up after your pets.  Please be vigilant as rural crime is on the rise; a particularly serious robbery happened recently at a local farm.

Cllrs agreed that although everyone continued to observe social distancing it was good to see that many people in Elford were still able to enjoy celebrating VE Day outside their homes, and there is generally a positive atmosphere in the village despite these difficult times.

As usual if there are any issues you’d like us to deal with, please contact clerk@elfordparish.co.uk or phone 01827 50230.