Elford Village

Village Voice August

Coffee Shop

Dear coffee shop customers and helpers!
I do hope you are all well and are at last able to have some freedom!
We have so missed being together at coffee shop and for the foreseeable future we will remain closed. Hopefully by September we will have a plan to open our doors.
The running of the morning will be slightly different with us adhering to the government guidelines. We will let you know nearer the time.
We just wanted to say we miss you and please stay well until we can all be together again to share friendship and of course CAKE!!

Elford Corona Task Force

Are you worried about Corona Virus, do you need someone to chat to, or someone to go out to the shops for you, walk your dog or maybe pick up a prescription?  If the answer is yes to any of these then we have a team of volunteers who can help.  Just contact either Irene on 07870201323, Becky on 07447450254 or Clare on 07891785820.

Elford Hall Gardens

Boules nights have started again! On a fine evening, it is so lovely in our Walled Garden, to bring a drink or two and meet up for a very informal game and a chat.  Please add the following dates to your diary; 7th and 21st August, 4th and 18th of September and 2nd October.

St Peter’s Church

St. Peter's Church Elford has opened its doorsn. We are open for individual prayers and quiet contemplation. (Not for services yet ).  We will be opening on Mondays, Thursdays and Sundays 10am-4pm.  Social distancing must be observed and hand sanitizer used on entry and exit too.  There are posters on site and instructions to help guide people safely.

Village Hall

After reviewing current government guidelines due to the COVID-19 pandemic, it has been decided that Elford Village Hall will remain closed in the short term.  This is something that we will review again from September. We have also regrettably, decided to postpone our ‘Events’ program until next year.  We are hoping that the ‘Silent Disco’, Skittles and Fish & Chips’ and ‘Murder Mystery Evening’ events will all be back on course for next year. We are still taking enquiries and bookings for future events, so please get in touch. Enquiries@elfordvillagehall.co.uk


Parents in Elford will be pleased to know that the playground reopened on Saturday 4th July. Following government guidelines the Parish Council requests that parents supervise their children, clean their hands and handles etc before and after using the playground equipment, and don't let them eat and drink there. Please observe social distancing guidelines with no more than 6 using the playground at any time. Obviously don't use the playground if showing symptoms of Covid. We will be putting up reminder signs at the playground and on the fitness equipment.

Parish Council

Although we can’t hold our meetings as usual the government has now allowed local councils to hold remote meetings.  As usual if there are any issues you’d like us to deal with, please contact clerk@elfordparish.co.uk or phone 01827 50230.

Ursula Middlemore 07970099141