Elford Village

December 2020 Parish Council meeting

December meeting update

The Parish Council met online on 14th December.

Here are some of the things discussed:

The organisers of the Illuminated Elford event were thanked for a very enjoyable evening, which had included sponsored decorated trees in the Avenue, fireworks, socially distanced refreshment stalls, and competitions for the best house, best street and children’s favourite; funds were raised for the Church and PTA. 

The Friday taxi service for anyone needing transport to Tamworth had resumed after lockdown.

Councillors and farmers had met to discuss the recent traffic concerns and had agreed a way forward. Highways would continue to be pressed on a solution to the Brickhouse Lane surface.

Dog fouling was still a problem, anyone walking their dogs after dark should still clear up after them even if no-one can see you! Environmental Health will make more patrols.

The playground surface was still slippery in places and quotes would be obtained for jet washing it.

The defibrillator had required a new battery and this would be ordered.

For further information and details of other matters discussed please see the minutes of the meeting via the Parish Council tab.