Elford Village

Funding for community groups

Funding for community and voluntary sector organisations

Charities, groups and not-for-profit organisations that work to help the people of Lichfield District are being invited to apply for funding.

Lichfield District Council has £163,000 available each year, over the next three years, to award to community and voluntary sector organisations that can deliver projects to make a difference.  

From supporting older people to live in their homes to working to look after the local environment, the grants will help communities across Lichfield District.

Applicants must show how their project will support one or more of the council’s strategic objectives, which are:


·        Enabling people to help themselves and others


·        Enabling people to collaborate and engage with Lichfield District Council


·        Enabling people to live healthy and active lives


·        Shaping place to keep it green and safe


·        Shaping place to preserve the character and appearance of the district


The minimum amount that can be applied for is £5,000 a year over three years, subject to the funds being available. The grants do not need to be match-funded.


Councillor Ashley Yeates, Cabinet Member for Community Engagement, said: “We are so lucky to have a strong, vibrant and diverse community and voluntary sector, which plays a key role in supporting our residents and local communities. These organisations can reach people and places where statutory organisations may struggle, delivering earlier support that is tailored to the individual.

“This is why we are delighted to be offering this funding. I am sure it will be a welcome boost to groups that are finding it hard to fundraise due to the coronavirus pandemic. It will mean a whole raft of projects and activities can be run over the next three years that will have a big impact on our local communities.”

Grants are available to formally constituted not-for-profit groups that serve Lichfield District, including local parish councils, public sector organisations, and locally based community enterprises and charities.

To find out more and for an application pack, visit www.lichfielddc.gov.uk/cvsfunding. The deadline to apply is 29 April 2021.