Elford Village

May 2021 Parish Council Meeting

This month the Parish Council heard from the developer of the Social Club, who was very disappointed about the lack of progress with the application. It was agreed that Cllr Turley would contact the Planning Department to ask that progress  be made.

The post box is to be replaced, but Royal Mail were unable to clarify details of where and when this would be done.

The taxi service has now resumed on Fridays, please contact Barbara Harcombe for information.

The playground surface is still slippery in places and needs jet-washing, this will be done when problems with the electricity supply are sorted out.

Meetings will now resume at Elford Village Hall, with the Annual Parish Meeting on the 17th May and the next Parish Council meeting on 14th June.

For details of other matters discussed please look under the Parish Council tab, then Meetings and Minutes and click on the minutes for 2021-5-6.