Elford Village

Village News

Grants on offer for hard to heat homes

People across Lichfield District are being encouraged to apply for a Green Homes Grant to make their homes warmer in the winter, less expensive to heat, and kinder to the environment. 

The government’s Green Homes Grant scheme offers homeowners and residential landlords across England the chance to apply for a voucher towards the cost of installing energy efficient improvements in their home.

Improvements could include insulating your home to reduce your energy use or installing low-carbon heating to lower the amount of carbon dioxide your home produces.

Vouchers will cover two-thirds of the cost of eligible improvements, up to a maximum government contribution of £5,000.

If you, or someone in your household, receive certain benefits you may be eligible for a voucher covering 100% of the cost of improvements up to £10,000.

Through its energy advice service - Warmer Homes, Greener District - Lichfield District Council is urging its residents to take advantage of this national scheme and not to miss out on the opportunity to install energy saving measures in local homes.

Councillor Angela Lax, Cabinet Member responsible for Housing, said: “The Green Homes Grant scheme offers an amazing opportunity to install energy saving measures at a fraction of the cost.

“Not only will it help keep homes warmer in the winter, but it could help cut fuel bills and lower the amount of carbon produced locally.

“Measures that are covered through the scheme include insulation, low carbon heating, draft proofing, heating controls and more.

“Our Warmer Homes, Greener District advisors can help local homeowners with the application process, such as checking for eligibility.”

For advice on how to access this and other grants, please call the council’s Warmer homes, Greener District free energy advice line on 0800 677 1543.


The Green Homes Grant scheme will never include official representatives coming to your property uninvited or cold calling on the phone to encourage you to join the scheme.

There will be many other companies that will be marketing access to the funding and the council is advising its residents to check companies’ credentials carefully and call Warmer Homes, Greener District for guidance if you are unsure.


To find out more about the Green Homes Grant, visit www.gov.uk/guidance/apply-for-the-green-homes-grant-scheme.


Vouchers must be redeemed and the improvements completed by 31 March 2021.





October 2020 Parish Council meeting

The October Parish Council Meeting heard from several residents during Open Forum about their concerns about the frequency and size of farm vehicles travelling through Elford's narrow roads during the harvest period. The Parish Council agreed to work with the farmers and Staffordshire Hghways to find a solution.

The developers of the Club site had been asked to tidy it, but were currently waiting for the Planning Department to decide on their application. 

Tree saplings from the Woodland Trust for planting at the Sportsfield would be delivered in November. The Howard School pupils would help to plant these.

A suggestion had been received that there should be an event to mark the Christmas Light switch on and the date of 12/13 December was suggested. Ideas for this are welcomed and will be discussed at the next meeting.

More details available from the Minutes of the Meeting.

A513 closure at Chetwynd Bridge

Elford Parish Council has been sent a Traffic Notice regarding the closure of the A513 over the Chetwynd Bridge near to the Aboreturm for repairs. The route over the bridge will be closed from 19th October and the works may last until January 10th 2021.

To reach the A38 from Elford drivers will be diverted via Tamworth, the A5 to Weeford, A38 to Swinfen, then Alrewas, which is a diversion of about 18 miles. Emergency vehicles will be able to use the bridge. 

Traffic in Elford

At the Parish Council meeting on 12th October several residents raised concerns about the current issues with farm traffic. The Parish Council discussed these issues in detail. The farm have told us that this work will take around 7 more days and that they have already spoken to their drivers about taking care and reducing speeds. The Parish Council hopes to arrange a meeting soon to raise villagers' concerns with them, and will also contact Staffordshire Highways for advice on traffic calming.

Dog walkers

The Parish Council would like to request that dog walkers be mindful of using the Sportsfield while matches or training are taking place. There have been a number of incidents recently where dogs, which were not under the close control of their owners, have caused some disruption to the playing of matches, and this has raised concerns for the safety of both participants and the dogs themselves. Please respect our sports teams and keep dogs on leads if you are unable to walk them elsewhere at these times.

The Parish Council would also like to remind all dog owners to use the dog waste bins provided. Particularly there has recently been an increase in dog waste left on the grass along The Avenue, which is obviously extremely unpleasant for our contractor when he mows the grass and is undoubtedly unhealthy for everyone. Dog waste bins are available at the entrance to the Sportsfield on Brickhouse Lane and at the entrance to the Walled Garden.

Neighbourhood Watch

The latest Neighbourhood Watch newsletter is now available, with lots of advice on keeping safe

Planning application Land at The Shrubbery

As tresidents will know, Lichfield District Council gave planning permission in 2018 for the development of the field off The Shrubbery, for up to 25 houses plus access from The Shrubbery. An application has now been submitted to Lichfield for a renewal of this permission under reference 20/00989/OUT, and the documents can be seen on the website planning.lichfielddc.gov.uk


Bins out from 6 a.m.

Residents who live in Lichfield District and Tamworth Borough will need to put their bins out by 6am on their collection day from now on.

Through the Lichfield and Tamworth Joint Waste Service, Lichfield District Council and Tamworth Borough Council are asking that residents from across both areas to put their bins out by 6am rather than by 6.30am on their collection day.

This is so bin collections can be staggered throughout the morning to allow waste and recycling crews to social distance.

Cllr Richard Cox, Lichfield District Council’s Cabinet Member Responsible for Waste, said:“We’ve moved the start of our bin rounds forward by 30 minutes so our crews can start their rounds at different times, to make sure we are operating in a covid-secure way.

“I’d like to thank everyone in advance for their help with this, however, as many bins go out the night before, most households shouldn’t notice the change.”

If a household’s bin is not out by 6am, and it is not collected, the team cannot come back to empty it at a later time.

However, if a bin was put out by the right time, does not contain the wrong waste, and has not been emptied by 3.30pm, it can be reported as a missed bin online atwww.lichfielddc.gov.uk/reportor by calling the team on 0345 002 0022.

To find out more about bin collections, and what can go in each colour bin, visit www.lichfielddc.gov.uk/bins.

Friary Grange Leisure Centre to re-open

Friary Grange Leisure Centre will open its doors from Saturday 24 October 2020, just in time for half term.

Lichfield District Council and Freedom Leisure are working behind the scenes to make sure everything is in place to reopen Lichfield’s leisure centre safely.

Councillor Richard Cox, Cabinet Member responsible for Leisure, said: “I am sure everyone who is looking forward to getting back to their local pool and sports facilities will be very pleased to hear Friary Grange will be reopening in time for October half term.

“There is still some work to do with our leisure partners, Freedom Leisure, who run the facility on our behalf, but we are looking forward to Friary Grange reopening next month.”

Ivan Horsfall-Turner, Managing Director Freedom Leisure, added: “Freedom Leisure is delighted to be reopening Friary Grange Leisure Centre on Saturday 24 October. The team is working hard to make sure the centre is ready and waiting to welcome back the local community, and look forward to seeing everyone soon.”

To keep up to date with reopening information from Friary Grange Leisure Centre, go to www.freedom-leisure.co.uk/centres/friarygrange.