Village Information
Village News
Planning Application for the Social Club
A planning application has been made for the former Sports and Social Club land.
Plans for the building of 8 homes after the demolition of the club building have been submitted to Lichfield District Council under reference 19/01707/FUL. Please see their website to look at the plans and for details of how to comment:
Amended plans have now been submitted as of end of January. The Parish Council will discuss the application at the next meeting on February 10th and will consider their comments to send to the planning department.
Security advice
Signal blocking pouches can be used to protect your keys from remote access, reducing the likelihood of your vehicle being targeted. These are available from many online suppliers as well as high street motoring stores.
For more information on how to keep your vehicle safe from potential thieves visit
Residents should take action to improve home and vehicle security . PCSO Costa Karpis has advised people to extend their own security to their property boundaries. For example external motion sensors, which alert home owners when someone is on their property or garden, can be very effective. Contact Costas on 07890 317765 for more advice or talk to him or his colleague Maggie Griffiths when you see them around the village.
The usual advice of not leaving valuables in vehicles, reversing vans up to garage doors or simply using a steering lock can deter thieves. The idea is not to be an easy target. See the attached for advice on preventing thefts from keyless vehicles. files/Preventing_thefts_from_keyless_vehicles.pdf
If you would like to opt into the new Staffordshire Smart Alert to receive informative and important messages, including Neighbourhood Watch alerts, please follow the link and fill in the details.
Hall Garden
The latest Hall Garden newsletter is now available on their website
Fitness equipment
The new fitness equipment is ready for residents to use. We hope you enjoy it!
We recommend not using it during sports matches in case of flying balls.
Scarecrow Festival
Scarecrow Festival 2019
The event was held again last year over the 2 days of August Bank Holiday. We welcomed in excess of 5000 visitors over the very hot and sunny 2 days, which helped us to raise in excess of £24,000!
The majority of the funds were distributed to The Village Hall and St Peter’s Church, with donations also made to Midlands Air Ambulance and Motor Neurone Disease Association.
A gesture was also made to The Police Cadets, whom without their help with parking, the event would have been very difficult to run. Plus a contribution was made to the PTA of The Howard School who also opened their gates to visitors.
For the first time, Elford Hall Gardens had active participation in the event and saw record numbers of visitors, all stopping for ice cream which had been arranged by the committee.
It truly was a full village event, and thanks need to be made to many groups, including The Cricket Club for their cooperation in relocating the cricket match which should have been on the Saturday of the event.
This event takes a lot of organisation and we presently have a 50 Page plan demonstrating the extent and organisation of the festival. We are pleased to report, however, there were no incidences to report of, other than the need of our reliable onsite Paramedic to treat a wasp sting to the Chairman’s ankle on day one….
The event is completely run by volunteers, last year seeing a record high of over 60 to support the event over the 2 days, plus the set-up and clear-up. We thank all who helped make this event, the huge success that it was!
The Festival is run entirely for good causes; total donations made have reached far more than the organisers could ever have thought possible- in excess of £90,000 since the event started.
For the latest and up-to-date information about the annual Scarecrow Festival please visit the Scarecrow Festival website at
My Staffs App
The link below is for the My Staffs app. It combines a host of services to help you with anything you need for example you can access services from Police, Fire, Ambulance and your Council.
You can register births and report things such as potholes, abandoned vehicles or fly tipping along with much more.
Click the link below to find out more.
Power Cut Contact Number
In case of a power cut call 105 for information
Dog bin relocated
The dog waste bin near the Church has now been moved to near the entrance to the Walled Garden.