Elford Village

Village News

New Benches

Two benches have been kindly donated to the village by Riverside Woodcraft of Elford Lowe.

The benches have been painted with preservative by our handyman Alan, Cllr Tim Gilbert arranged for them to be installed on Burton Road and The Beck, and the costs for this have been met from last year's Lichfield District Council's Councillor Local Community Fund.

Residents and visitors now have places to sit and relax after a walk around the village, and the Parish Council hopes they will be well used.



Chetwynd Bridge weight limit

Staffordshire County Council has put an 18 tonne weight limit on the Chetwynd Bridge on the A513 from 5th September 2022.

Interested in helping to reduce waste in the region?

Waste Savvy Staffs Project: Volunteers are needed to talk to people about ways they can help reduce Staffordshire's waste and emissions. The next volunteer recruitment day is Thursday 19th May at Veolia’s Energy Recovery Facility in Four Ashes, Wolverhampton, where much of Staffordshire’s waste goes to be converted into electricity. Attendees will be provided with free training on food waste reduction, composting and recycling, and other sustainable waste schemes in the region. Following a complimentary lunch, there will be a tour of the facility, as well as additional discussion about engaging with communities to reduce waste.

Details here

Applications for a share of CIL payments

Local organisations are reminded that the Parish Council receives a share of the Community Infrastructure Levy payments paid by developers building properties in Elford. This must be spent on infrastructure to deal with the demands that development places on an area, such as: highways, education, sports and community halls, play areas, and public open space. Our public consultation in February showed which options were most popular with residents - playground improvements, village CCTV, Sportsfield pavilion and traffic calming signage.

Elford Parish Council has considered applications from local groups for infrastructure needs at the meeting on September 12th 

Details of the decision will be confirmed to the organisations who applied shortly and added to the meeting Minutes.

For future applications please contact Margaret Jones, Parish Clerk on clerk@elfordparish.co.uk

New Councillor, April 2022

Elford Parish Council are pleased to report that Becky Delderfield has been co-opted as a Member of the Parish Council.

We are sure she will be an asset to our team!

Lichfield city centre survey

Lichfield District Council is currently seeking residents’ opinions before approaching architects, designers and businesses to build detailed plans for the redevelopment of the Birmingham Road and Frog Lane areas of the city.

Design  consultancy  Create  Streets  has been appointed to run an innovative, interactive digital survey to ask the people of Lichfield for their views on what any new city centre buildings should look like and how they should complement the existing infrastructure.

The survey is now live at


Community use of the Playground

As residents will know, exciting improvements are planned for the playground, with new equipment and surfacing. However, we’d like the whole community to use the area, not just families with young children, who we know love to play there. There will be health and social benefits for the wider village community.

Did you know there is a covered barn with picnic tables that can be used whatever the weather? Why not use this space for meetings or celebrations such as birthday parties, or just to meet others for a chat and a sit down after a walk around the village or the field?

At the moment individuals and local organisations get in touch with the Parish Council when they want to use these facilities but it would help everyone if we had plenty of notice, so we’d like you to contact clerk@elfordparish.co.uk or send a message via Elford News on Facebook if you’d like to reserve a space for your group.

When the new playground has been installed later this year (subject to successful funding applications) we’d like even more of the community to use it. The Howard School have told us they would like to take groups of children there as a reward for working hard. Currently groups such as the French group use it for a pancake party in July, and it is used for events such as the Platinum Jubilee Picnic in the Park and the Christmas Fayre. Electricity and water supply is available, and subject to demand we could provide more seating, fold up tables, and equipment such as a barbecue if users need these. Going forward if there are other groups who would like to use this space and the facilities please get in touch – perhaps to organise Mum and toddler meet ups, coffee mornings, art group sessions, or fitness tuition there? Other ideas are welcome!

Block unwanted calls


Road naming ideas

Thank you to all those who suggested names for the new roads to be built in Elford.

The most popular one with the Councillors was Tame View and this suggestion has been passed on to Lichfield. We are just clarifying with them whether a second name is needed on the development or not, if so the smaller road will be named Hill Top.

Here's a plan showing the two roads.