Elford Village

Village News

How to Volunteer for Birmingham 2022

Interested in Volunteering for the Brmingham 2022 Commonwealth Games?

Click on  this application form and information


Universal Credit

This link will take you to information about how to claim this benefit

Universal Credit

Home Farm maize traffic

The farmer has let us know that there will be 5/9 lorries a week collecting maize from now on until the maize is cleared, probably between now and August. This will be an average of two a day, mostly in the early morning or late evening and avoiding bank holidays and weekends for the benefit of the village.

The Parish Council is grateful to them for keeping everyone informed.

Recycling guidance from Lichfield DC

What to put in your blue bin

We will only accept the following clean items in your blue bin:

  • paper, including newspapers, magazines, telephone directories, wrapping paper (without foil/glitter) etc.
  • shredded paper (this should be placed in a clear plastic bag to the side of your bin on your bin day)
  • card, including flattened cardboard boxes, food sleeves, toilet and kitchen roll inners etc.
  • plastic containers, including margarine and ice cream tubs, yoghurt pots, bottles, empty carrier bags and plastic food trays etc.
  • clean, empty plastic bags
  • aluminium foil, food trays or cans (foil that doesn't scrunch up can't be recycled)
  • cartons, including juice, milk and soup
  • glass bottles or jars and lids
  • aerosol cans and roll-ons

Please wash out empty containers before putting them in your bin. Card and paper should only be added if it is clean.

Please do not bag up your recycling - put items in the bin loose. You may use a clear plastic bag for excess recycling and place it to the side of your bin on your bin day.

If any other items are found in your bin or you use a bag, it will not be emptied.

Other waste

Please DO NOT put the following in your blue bin:

  • bin bags of any colour to bag up recycling*
  • general waste
  • food waste
  • nappies/sanitary products (clean or used)
  • pyrex
  • garden waste
  • animal bedding
  • polystyrene
  • rigid plastics such as garden furniture, toys, coat hangers etc
  • plant pots and garden trays
  • foil that doesn't stay together when scrunched up (such as crisp bags, tea/coffee packets and pet food pouches)
  • bubble wrap
  • textiles/fabric
  • mirrored glass
  • electricals and batteries (these should go to your local tip)
  • Wallpaper and wallpaper backing
  • Used tissues, kitchen roll or paper towels


May 2021 Parish Council Meeting

This month the Parish Council heard from the developer of the Social Club, who was very disappointed about the lack of progress with the application. It was agreed that Cllr Turley would contact the Planning Department to ask that progress  be made.

The post box is to be replaced, but Royal Mail were unable to clarify details of where and when this would be done.

The taxi service has now resumed on Fridays, please contact Barbara Harcombe for information.

The playground surface is still slippery in places and needs jet-washing, this will be done when problems with the electricity supply are sorted out.

Meetings will now resume at Elford Village Hall, with the Annual Parish Meeting on the 17th May and the next Parish Council meeting on 14th June.

For details of other matters discussed please look under the Parish Council tab, then Meetings and Minutes and click on the minutes for 2021-5-6.

Community Grant - Self Isolation Fund


Staffordshire County Council has a new #DoingOurBit Covid-19 self-isolators fund to help voluntary and community organisations support people to have to self-isolate. There is a one-off pot of £160,000 with an initial allocation of £20,000 available for each district /borough.

The campaign will stop on 30th September or when all the funding is allocated.   

Related information can be found here: https://www.staffordshire.gov.uk/DoingOurBit/Funding.aspx

Donate unwanted IT equipment

If you have unwanted IT equipment including laptops and tablets with chargers please donate these for others to use.

Contact the local library for information or visit www.staffordshire.gov.uk/donateIT

Staffordshire Warm Homes

Families struggling to heat their home can access free ‘green homes’ measure to make their home more energy efficient.


Staffordshire has been awarded £4.2 million funding from the Government’s Warmer Homes initiative to help families make their homes more green and energy efficient.

This funding comes after the first phase of the scheme helped install green homes measures in 240 Staffordshire homes.

The scheme is being delivered by Staffordshire County Council and is expected to benefit a further 445 households.

Measures including cavity wall and loft insulation, solar thermal and PV panels, air source heat pumps, as well as double glazing windows and doors could be installed free of charge in eligible households.

The scheme is available to eligible families with low, or no income, those who claim benefits, or are elderly, disabled or have very young children living in the home.

Residents can apply online by visiting www.staffordshire.gov.uk/warmerhomes

Healthy Living Advice

Have you felt like you can't lose weight and may need some guidance?



If you are over 50 and have a BMI over 30, we have a 12 week Weight Management course delivered by our Nutritionists, who will go through different topics to explain how we can lose weight and keep it off!



You will get a weekly email with an information video, recipes and physical activity to take part in. As well, you'll get a call from your practitioner to see how you are doing and to answer any of your questions.



We have a new course starting soon, so please give us a ring on 0333 005 0095

(*restrictions apply)