Elford Village

Fertiliser Spreading

To all Residents,

Following some very constructive conversations between the Parish Council and Will Bridgen, the plan for spreading fertiliser on the land surrounding Elford village is as follows:

Points to consider as residents:

  • Spreading of fertiliser is only 4 weeks out of a 52 week year (less than 10% of the year)
  • Spreading is only within the months of March, April, May and September or October, subject to some flexibility regarding weather conditions and crop requirements
  • Spreading is normally only 5 days at a time.

Additional compromises by the Bridgen family:

  • Spreading will now cease 2 days prior to any bank holiday
  • Where possible spreading will only be during week days, minimising the effect of the smell on residents during any weekend
  • As before Will Bridgen will post on the Elford News Facebook page in advance of when spreading will commence

Should residents have any further questions or issues with the plan, please can they contact the Parish Council via clerk@elfordparish.co.uk

The Parish Council would also like to thank the Bridgen family for their help during the recent floods in the village when they helped by providing and operating their own irrigation pump which pumped water closer to the pumping station when it was impeded by blocked flow in the culvert and blocked gullies. This extra pumping capacity made all the difference during the flood events of November 2019 and February 2020 until the Environment Agency were able to operate the pumping station effectively.

We as the Parish Council thanks Will, Ben and the Bridgen family for their help to the community during the floods.

The Bridgen family have also indicated that they are willing to help with providing parking for the Scarecrow Festival 2021 and the Parish Council are grateful for this offer.