Elford Village

Playground re-opening

Re-opening of the Playground and Fitness Equipment

The playground and fitness equipment will be open from the morning of Saturday 4th July.

The Parish Council are pleased that local children will be able to use this again, but please do so sensibly and continue to follow government guidelines.

To help everyone stay safe:

Parents must supervise their children, please don’t let them play on their own.

No more than 6 people should use the play area at a time, so if others are waiting don’t stay too long. Remember social distancing, stay at least a metre from other people who are not from your household.

Please wash your hands before and after visiting, take sanitiser or wipes to clean handles and other places you touch - but then put them in the bin. We are unable to clean the equipment regularly so it is up to you to keep safe.

The play equipment has been checked and painted ready for use, please keep our playground tidy and keep everyone safe! If there are any problems we may have to close it again.