Elford Village

Use of playground and outdoor gym

There has been further clarification of government rules about the use of playgrounds and gyms during the current lockdown.

We have now been informed that outdoor gyms must be closed so please do not use the adult exercise equipment during the 4 week lockdown. 

The guidance for playgrounds states that they can be open with social distancing measures in place so please continue to limit the numbers at any time. We are not able to clean the equipment regularly so please ensure children's hands are sanitised before and after touching the equipment, gate etc.

It is permitted to exercise outdoors or visit an outdoor public place – with the people you live with, with your support bubble, or when on your own, with 1 person from another household (children under school age, as well as those dependent on round-the-clock care, such as those with severe disabilities, who are with their parents will not count towards the limit on 2 people meeting outside)