Elford Village

News from January's Parish Council meeting

The Parish Council met online on Monday night, beginning with Open Forum when we were informed that a contractor’s HGVs had used Eddies Lane to access the field which is earmarked for development. The Parish Council had informed the Planning Department and would help to resolve this.

Planning applications were discussed –

  • a new application to change the access and gateway which Lichfield District Council had refused at Elford Lowe Farm
  • an application to demolish the former Clarke’s Depot garage and replace the rear buildings with others for storage and light industrial use
  • The former application at the Social Club would be chased up as no progress had been made
  • No further information had been received on the application for 25 houses on land off The Shrubbery

Brickhouse Lane remained in poor condition and discussions continued with Highways on a longer term solution.

Concerns were expressed about fast traffic in Church Road near the junction with The Beck, where a cat was recently killed. The Parish Council would help with signage encouraging drivers to slow down.

The Environmental Health Officer was patrolling regularly to encourage responsible dog ownership and reminders about dog fouling would be on Facebook and the website.

More details available in the Minutes on http://www.elfordparish.co.uk