Elford Village

Lockdown reminder


Reminder of rules around outdoor facilities 

Fencing has gone up at two sport and leisure facilities in Lichfield District to stop anyone from using them and breaching national restrictions.


Lichfield District Council is joining forces with Staffordshire Police to warn local residents about how important it is to follow national restrictions around exercising and meeting others outdoors.


This comes after reports of groups gaining entry to Burntwood Leisure Centre’s 3G synthetic pitch and of people using Beacon Park’s skatepark, despite both areas being closed due to lockdown.


The council has now installed temporary fencing round these facilities to further deter people from trying to gain entry, and the police are reminding everyone of the laws around lockdown and of their enforcement powers.


Councillor Ashley Yeates, Cabinet Member for Community Engagement, said:“We know how frustrating lockdown restrictions are, and we’re all looking forward to when our sport and leisure facilities can reopen. However, it’s really important that we all follow the rules to protect our families, friends and wider community.


“You can continue to access our open spaces to exercise alone, with one other person or with your household or support bubble. This should be limited to once a day and you should maintain social distancing.”


Staffordshire Police’s Sergeant Neil Quinn, of the Lichfield Neighbourhood Policing Team, said:“I would like to thank the people of Lichfield District for continuing to do their very best to stick to the rules to protect themselves and others from this devastating virus that continues to take lives.


“It is unfortunate that the message is still not getting through to some individuals who continue to bend and even break the rules despite the ongoing seriousness of the situation across the district.


“Officers are continuing to carry out patrols to engage, encourage and explain the rules to anyone we feel is pushing the boundaries, and we will enforce these where necessary for people who continually refuse to adhere to restrictions.”


To find out more about what you can and can’t do during lockdown, go to www.gov.uk/coronavirus.